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White Elephant | Enhance Cognitive Abilities and Protect Your Brain | CBD Enhanced

  • The many botanicals in White Elephant are not only adaptogenic, they are radioprotective. They protect organs and the electromagnetic body from EMF saturation.
  • Defends against the cognitive decline associated with aging.
  • Promotes focus, alertness, and mental clarity.
  • Supports and strengthens the synaptic communications and connections for an adaptive mind. 
  • White Elephant's neuro-protective and neuro-regenerative formula is designed to address the degenerative conditions of dementia, failing memory, failing cognitive function, senility, ADD, ADHD, and Alzheimer’s disease, and promotes brain neuroplasticity and the ability to form new neural pathways.


  • Supports your mental acuity, nourishes brain functions, and perfect for use when you need focus, clarity, and calm confident alertness.
  • Use before decision-making events, meetings, performances, and anything you may need extra support. 
  • Add to your favorite tea or beverage.