Provides relief from migraines and headaches due to high blood pressure.
Helps prevent migraines.
Enhances brain health and helps prevent memory loss.
It helps clear obstructions and relieve tension. Benefits include relief from a stiff neck, recovery from facial palsy or paralysis of one side of the body, and clearing obstructions of the blood vessels.
All-natural support for patients suffering from epileptic fits, Parkinson’s, or rigidity, contraction, numbness, or trembling of the limbs.
Relieves nerve pain associated with gout and arthritis.
Excellent for re-tuning a stressed or ailing nervous system and restoring a compromised or blocked circulatory system.
Use to relieve headaches due to high blood pressure, including acute and migraine headaches.
Use to prevent migraines.
Use to relieve the pain associated with gout and arthritis.
These come in packs of five Precious pills. Please email us if you have any questions or want a different volume.