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January 01, 2023 2 min read

Lycium Chinese is known in Tibet as the “Happiness Berry” in the Tibetan culture, the main side effect is reputed to be laughter. In Eastern medicine, the berries are used as a liver, blood, and eye tonic. Goji berries have been researched in connection with cancer prevention as well as use during & after conventional treatments.

Our Goji berries are authentic and were identified by the Tanaduk Institute of Botanical Medicine founded by Amchi Thubten Lekshe and in cooperation with the Mongolian Goji Farmers Collective, Amdo organic Goji farms and the Tibetan Medicinal Plant Cultivation Program. They are grown in pristine regions of the Himalayas where no pesticides or herbicides have ever been used.

Goji berries are a rich source of vitamin C, having 500 times more vitamin C per ounce than oranges. They are a superb source of vitamin A, not surprising because they are a really deep red color reveal the dense phyto-nutrients they contain.

Goji are rich in vitamins B1, B2, B6, and E; delivering high antioxidant activity. They are a rich source of both selenium and germanium and have hence been used in a number of clinical trials involving cancer treatments. When given to patients undergoing chemotherapy, the berries conferred significant protection for the liver. In Oriental medicine, they are said to correct chi deficiency, meaning that people with low energy, insomnia, heart palpitations, and even anxiety are more comfortable after consuming goji berries.

A few ways Goji supports a healthy life💝

* Protects the liver — less fatigue, irritability, also used in treatment of PTSD, HEP C, HPV, HIV

* Helps eyesight – supports kidney function, also used for macular degeneration and age related vision loss

* Increases metabolic activity — burns fat and aids digestion

* Boosts immune function – Lymphocytes, Interleukin 2, Immunoglobulin, vitamins, minerals, amino acids

* Improves circulation — supports distribution of nutrients and sustains quality energy levels

* Improves sexual function and fertility — boosts libido and energy of creation – healthy sperm and eggs

* Promotes longevity — brings life support to the blood and all internal organs

* Rich in phytonutrients, antioxidants, particularly carotenoids such as beta-carotene, zeaxanthin and others.

* Test studies are showing that Goji berries may prevent the growth of cancer cells, reduce blood glucose, and lower cholesterol levels.

* Goji has unique bioactive polysaccharides that are key markers for building immune strength and immune response

Buy Tibetan Goji Berries

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