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November 27, 2023 5 min read

Jampha Tibetan Pharmacy created three Infusions to mitigate genomic deterioration related to the aging process. 

Aging can be viewed through the lens of traditional concepts like Essence, Yin, Yang, Lha, Srog-rtsa, Chi, and Qi flow, and modern biomedicine focuses on molecular and cellular changes. Aging is marked by cellular damage accumulation, leading to diminished function or diseases like cancer. There are twelve primary characteristics of aging: five causing damage and the remainder being responses to this damage. These indicators are interconnected, all representing changes over time in response to stressors while trying to maintain balance in the body.

Genomic Fluctuation, Damage & Mutations: 

As we age, our DNA accumulates damage, a process known as genomic instability. This is part of the normal functioning of our genome, but the accumulation of this damage becomes more pronounced with age. This damage can be inherited or caused by external factors like environmental pollutants or internal issues like errors in DNA replication. The damage includes mutations, chromosomal changes, and disruptions caused by viruses. If not properly managed, this can lead to dysfunctional cells, disrupting the balance of our tissues and potentially leading to diseases, including autoimmunity.

Telomere Deterioration: 

Telomeres, the protective ends of our chromosomes, get shorter each time a cell divides. Most cells don't have the enzyme (telomerase) needed to fully replicate these ends, leading to their progressive loss and contributing to age-related deterioration. Short telomeres are linked to aging and increased mortality risk, and diseases like pulmonary fibrosis and aplastic anemia are associated with telomerase deficiency.

Epigenetic Alterations: 

Epigenetics involves changes in how genes are expressed without altering the DNA sequence itself. These changes are influenced by our behaviors and environment and can turn genes on or off. They can occur throughout life, affecting all cells and tissues. Both internal factors like DNA and RNA methylation and external factors like diet, smoking, and physical activity can cause epigenetic alterations. These changes can be passed down through cell generations and even offspring, playing a significant role in aging.

Altered Intercellular Communication:

As people age, the way cells communicate with each other and their surroundings deteriorates. This process is largely due to aging cells, which affect the signaling between cells, including hormonal, nerve, and brain signals. This disruption leads to an increase in inflammation and a decrease in the body's ability to fight off infections and abnormal cells. The environment around the cells also changes, which affects how tissues in the bodywork and feel. Aging cells release substances that can cause nearby cells to age as well, contributing to various diseases associated with aging.

Chronic Inflammation:

Unlike short-term inflammation, which is beneficial for healing and fighting infections, chronic inflammation is long-lasting and can damage the body over time. It's a critical factor in the aging process and is linked to many age-related diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. This type of inflammation is often subtle but persistent, leading to gradual tissue damage. It's influenced by various factors including aging immune systems, poor diet, low hormone levels, obesity, and unhealthy habits like smoking. The presence of chronic inflammation is often marked by high levels of certain substances in the blood, such as cytokines and C-reactive protein.

Microbiome Disturbance:

The body's natural defenses in the mouth and gut weaken with age, making it easier for harmful bacteria to invade. This can lead to conditions like periodontal disease, which in turn causes chronic, low-grade inflammation. In older people, the variety of beneficial gut bacteria decreases, increasing vulnerability to infections and reducing the presence of anti-inflammatory bacteria. This imbalance, known as dysbiosis, can be triggered by various factors. These include exposure to pathogens and antibiotics, environmental pollution, hormonal changes, genetic predispositions, poor nutrition, and the development of diseases like allergies and autoimmune disorders.

The consequences of dysbiosis are far-reaching and can include a range of diseases such as cancer, irritable bowel syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis, acne, gastric ulcers, obesity, high blood pressure, certain lung diseases, other digestive issues, and even neurological disorders. An effective countermeasure against dysbiosis is rebiosis, which aims to restore the gut's native microbiota. This can be achieved through the use of probiotics, prebiotics, and synbiotics. Probiotics, like Lactobacillus spp., work similarly to stem cells, helping to replenish and rejuvenate the microbiome. Prebiotics, such as fructose oligosaccharides (FOS), act as 'fertilizers' for the microbiome, encouraging the growth of specific beneficial bacteria.

Striving for Longevity:

To combat the effects of aging and promote longevity, it's essential to follow a healthy lifestyle. This includes avoiding smoking and limiting alcohol consumption, maintaining a healthy weight, and following a balanced diet rich in whole foods, fruits, and vegetables. Regular exercise, but not overdoing it, including strength training and activities like yoga or qigong, is also beneficial. Adequate rest and quality sleep are crucial, as well as engaging in mental activities like reading, writing, and learning new skills. Mental health is equally important, with practices like meditation and community involvement contributing to overall well-being. Regular health screenings and complementary therapies like acupuncture or herbal remedies can also play a role in healthy aging.

In essence, maintaining healthy communication between cells, managing chronic inflammation, balancing gut bacteria, and adopting a holistic approach to health and wellness are key strategies for supporting healthy aging and longevity.

By understanding these complex interactions between our genetics, lifestyle, and environment, we can better comprehend the aging process and devise strategies to promote healthy aging and longevity. This approach combines insights from traditional wisdom and modern science to offer a more holistic view of health and aging.

Jampha Tibetan Pharmacy products White Elephant, Blue Lotus Peacock, and Turquoise Dragon address the respective aging-related issues outlined above.

White Elephant - A Rejuvenating Nootropic Formula:

  • Altered Intercellular Communication: As aging affects cell communication, particularly in the brain and nervous system, White Elephant may support cognitive functions and neural communication. Its nootropic properties could aid in maintaining healthy brain signals and potentially reduce the impact of aging on brain function.
  • Striving for Longevity: White Elephant's potential in enhancing cognitive function aligns with the emphasis on mental activities and brain health as part of a holistic approach to healthy aging. By improving focus, memory, and overall brain health it aligns with the lifestyle practices that will enhance and support longevity.

Blue Lotus Peacock - An Immunotherapy and Pathogenic Infection Formula:

  • Chronic Inflammation: Given its potential role in immunotherapy and managing pathogenic infections, Blue Lotus Peacock could be beneficial in addressing chronic inflammation, a key factor in aging. It might help modulate the immune response, reducing long-term inflammation and associated risks.
  • Microbiome Disturbance: This product may also support the body's natural defenses against harmful bacteria, potentially helping to maintain a healthy microbiome. This could be particularly beneficial in older individuals who are more susceptible to microbiome imbalances and related diseases.

Turquoise Dragon - An Infection Fighting Formula:

  • Genomic Fluctuation and Telomere Deterioration: By fighting infections, Turquoise Dragon may indirectly help manage DNA damage and preserve telomere length, as infections can contribute to genomic instability and accelerate telomere shortening.
  • Microbiome Disturbance: Similar to Blue Lotus Peacock, Turquoise Dragon could assist in combating harmful bacteria, thereby supporting a balanced gut microbiome. This could be especially important in older adults, who often face a decline in beneficial gut bacteria.

Each of these products from Jampha Tibetan Pharmacy supports specific aspects of the aging process as outlined above. By aligning their ingredient properties with the key indicators of aging, such as chronic inflammation, microbiome disturbance, and altered cell communication, these products act as complementary aids in mitigating these issues and work to establish genomic health and longevity.

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