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September 29, 2022 2 min read

Happiness of Mind Pills
Sem-kyi De-kyid – Semde
Translates as “Happiness of Mind”
Happiness of Mind Pills support a balanced administration of Lhung chi within the central Sushumna, the Nadis, Meridians and Collaterals and works to restore chi vitality to meridian and organ systems. It enhances well-being, relaxes and focuses the mind, and aids the function of the body, speech, and mind.

Happiness of Mind pills are used to establish a balanced state of mind and a clear happy heart. They support the body in managing stress, anxiety, and depression and can be taken before bed for insomnia. Two pills are traditionally used in the morning and evening for general wellbeing.

They are also recommended for a wide range of Lhung imbalances such as depression, stress, and mood imbalances. These range from mild, moderate, and even severe depression to Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). The happiness of Mind Pill, produces results for most people in just a few days, often in hours.
The heart's pumping action is regulated by an electrical conduction system that coordinates the contraction of the various chambers of the heart. Increased EMF exposure has now been linked as a contributing cause for the increase in SADS (Sudden Adult Death Syndrome) globally. This formula may also be effective for protecting against the effects of EMF exposure effecting the hearts electrical system from being shorted out.

When coupled with Bhim Mitra, Sem-kyi De-kyid is known to help people recover from the use of potent drugs, antidepressants, and other prescription drugs. These two supplements are being used together as part of a treatment protocol for drug addiction.
When we analyze the ingredients in this formula we will see that the above scenario is exactly what “Happiness of Mind Pills” are used for. The botanicals in this formula are being recognized for a number of beneficial biomedical applications that reach far beyond this description.

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