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December 28, 2020 3 min read

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a kind of depression that shows up at the same time each year. Most people affected experience symptoms during fall or winter when the days are short and dark.

SAD affects 10 million Americans, and depression affects about 16 million. Everyone has times of lower energy or feeling down. Depression may require treatment if you feel low for days at a time and don’t feel like doing activities you usually enjoy. Depression is even more likely if your sleep patterns and appetite have changed or if you find yourself turning to alcohol, weed, or comfort food to feel better.

Symptoms of SAD or depression can include

  • Fatigue, or lower energy levels
  • Loss of interest and pleasure in activities formerly enjoyed
  • Difficulty sleeping or irregular sleep patterns
  • Irritability and anxiety
  • Feelings of guilt, worthlessness, or hopelessness
  • Retreating or hiding from people
  • Foggy thinking or trouble concentrating

    Traditional Treatments for SAD and Depression

    Symptoms of SAD usually disappear when the season changes. Professional treatments for depression are similar, whether related to SAD, PTSD, an illness, or a significant life event.

    Most often recommended for seasonal depression, light therapy is a natural way to regulate brain chemicals. It mimics natural sunlight and helps the body release serotonin. For more information on light therapy, check out this beautifully written article.

    Exercise and diet changes bring relief to many people and help them effectively manage their symptoms. Exercise releases dopamine and endorphins. A healthy diet can improve digestion and reduce inflammation.

    Counseling is helpful to gain perspective and coping mechanisms. Antidepressant medication should be a last resort, but currently, one in ten Americans take antidepressants.

    Tibetan Medicinal Pills - Happiness of Mind Pills Offer Powerful Botanical Support

    CBD for Symptoms SAD and of Depression

    CBD is a natural molecule designed to interact with the human endocannabinoid system to balance and regulate the brain, nervous system, and hormonal system. Unlike traditional antidepressants, CBD presents few to no side-effects.

    A 2014 review article brought together studies showing CBD reduces depression and anxiety.

    Multiple studies show CBD to relieve anxiety, reduce psychosis, and protect brain cells and neurons. Although depression is not an anxiety disorder, several symptoms of depression are similar, including irritability, nervousness, sleep problems, and difficulty concentrating.

    A 2018 study published in Molecular Neurobiology journal found CBD to induce rapid and sustained antidepressant effects.

    CBD also acts as a potent and system-wide anti-inflammatory. Recent research into the 30 percent of patients whose depression resists traditional antidepressant medications discovered a link between depression and inflammation.

    Terpenes to Relieve Depression

    In addition to CBD, hemp and cannabis plants have an extraordinary plant terpenes concentration – up to 200 in a single plant. At Jampha, each of our organic, full-spectrum CBD tinctures are enhanced with a carefully selected entourage of terpenes.

    Plant terpenes have been part of traditional medicine for centuries in their whole plant form. For example, ginger, turmeric, camphor oil, garlic, ginseng, and valerian root all contain the same potent terpenes found in the hemp plant and used in our Jampha SETI (synergy-enhanced terpene infusions) tinctures.

    Six Plant Terpenes Research Shows Help Fight Depression


    B-caryophyllene reduced the symptoms of anxiety and depression in several pre-clinical studies.

    Studies also show b-caryophyllene fights inflammation.               


    Camphor relieves pain, reduces depression, and even fights infections.

    Camphor also reduces inflammation.


    Pre-clinical research indicates Eucalyptol reduces anxiety and inflammation.


    Geraniol reduced depression-behaviors in mice after three weeks of treatment with the plant terpene.

    It also reduces inflammation.


    Limonene works as an antidepressant in recent pre-clinical studies. It’s also gotten recognition for powerful anti-anxiety effects.


    Linalool is a terpene found in lavender as well as hemp and cannabis. It’s responsible for lavender’s lovely scent.

    Studies show linalool reduces anxiety and depression by soothing the nervous system. It has potential as a treatment for anxiety disorders.

    Use Every Tool in Your Arsenal

    Made to specifically support the body to maintain a happy and positive balanced mind, body and spirit, learn more about Happiness of Mind and other Tibetan Botanical Pills direct from Tibetan Buddhist Monasteries in Nepal and Bhutan.

    Depression makes life hard. Each day can be a battle to get basic things done. The sense of disconnection and lethargy can damage our work, relationships, and health.

    It can take time and effort to lift yourself out of depression. It may need to be addressed from multiple angles, and it’s worth using every tool available. One handy resource in your toolbox to balance and stabilize your mood, CBD fortified with plant terpenes is an advanced version of medicine that has already worked for centuries.

    The plant terpenes listed here are available in our Balance, Breathe, Sleep, and Calm SETI Infusions and all are available with or without CBD.


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